Tuesday 31 July 2012

Tuesday 31st July

Following tip re green woodpecker location, took walk along road from Mossdale to Lock Ken old viaduct and back via route of paddy line.

Very pleasant and various contrasting sightings, although no green woodpecker.  One bird constantly
Red Deer
screeching near loch was most likely a jay.

Red kite (inevitably) and extremely tranquil herd or red deer including male with antlers that were presumably part of venison farm.  Many chaffinch, meadow pipit on farm wall, greenfinches in garden and nuthatch on feeder.  Walking into woods large number of juvenile coal tits mainly that went into trees right above my head.  I could have reached them with a cricket bat and have never seen birds unwittingly approach so near.  Willow warblers, treecreeper and long-tailed tit in trees on train line.

On the way back stopped off at Knowetop Lochs and saw one ringlet and one scotch argus, plus signs of fish life in lower loch again - tempting to try fishing for them as no 'no fishing sign'.

Saturday 28 July 2012

Saturday 28th July

Yes it took me that long to get back out again due to worst July weather for forty years. Walk on brown trail (including butterfly reserve) at Mabie Forest. Surprisingly little heard or seen the whole way. Some newts in the pond and a dragonfly. A couple of coal tits. Possible redpoll calling. Six ringlets and a sightly delapidated meadow brown, one red deer. Weather mixed. Otherwise have had juvenile sparrowhawk in garden but all butterflies on buddleia have been small tortoiseshells and few enough of them.