Monday 11 December 2017

Thursday 26th November

The weather has started to become more seasonal with large variations in temperature and occasional storms.

Did manage a ride out a week ago on Wednesday - an uphill haul to Ae against a very persistent northerly wind.  Did however manage good views of bullfinch, meadow pipit and stonechat before getting blinded by the sun on being transported at high speed back home by the same persistent northerly wind.

Went out for a brief run yesterday before the latest storm closed in and managed resightings of bullfinch on Georgetown Road, goldeneye on the Nith at Kingholm Quay as well as, unsurprisingly, numerous goosander at the caul.  There seems to be no sign of any waxwings yet.

November was also the month of the major fishpond tidy up I have been promising since I was too ill to attempt it last year.  The benefit has been a much clearer view of the four remaining fish (three goldfish, one golden orfe) that are currently being fed on the remains of a packet of past-sell-by-date Cheerios.  Waste not, fishes want not.

Tidy fishpond - with Cheerios

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