Wednesday 21 November 2012

Wednesday 21st November

My No1 birdwatching target for the winter has been achieved! 40 waxwings in large tree on Glebe Street and also plundering yewberries from St Michael's churchyard  - but they made off to another large tree around Brooms Road car park area when visited by the resident sparrowhawk.

This is the culmination of a story going back two weeks when they were first sighted in Dumfries, since when I've visited every site where they appeared without success.  They have even had the cheek to turn up in Georgetown in small numbers. About ten days ago sat it out for a while in the churchyard but there were only coal tits and chaffinches around, which scattered all of a sudden, upon which I caught site of the sparrowhawk (female) which is how I know it visits regularly.

Also had first ever goldfinch on bird table about ten days ago after putting out sunflower seeds.