Sunday 22 June 2014

Sunday 22nd June

Activities have been restricted by bad hay fever when attempting bike rides. Managed a run up the Cairn valley yesterday looking for redstarts and thought I saw a male fleetingly but it turned out to be a bullfinch. Otherwise a young jay and a probable dipper.

Similar trip last week even worse for hayfever, although did get a good view of a meadow pipit.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Thursday 12th June

Finally got out for another fishing trip at Broom's.  Fished the Queensberry next to the bridge, which apparently attracts a lot of fish.  Nothing doing further out on ledgered prawn, so switched early to short pole tactics near in, meaning to fish worm.  A lot of attention from small perch and roach meant however that all but last two bigger fish were taken on glugged sweetcorn.  Ended up with six common carp, though nothing much above the 2lb mark, one thin barbel of 3lb or so and five bream of varying sizes.

All fish taken close to the bridge, which produce better than the weeds to the right, made a strong lunge to get into the woodwork and as ever pulled well above their weight.  Overall though I have the impression that smaller fish are starting to predominate at Brooms*.

The thin barbel