Saturday 23 July 2011

23rd July

Went a bit astray on a walk at the RSPB reserve at north end of Loch Ken, mistaking the boundary for a footpath.  Ended up in deep reeds and with major hay fever outburst.

The big compensation occurred on the approach path, when I got good close up views of two or three sedge warblers - not uncommon but a first for me.

It also rained and got wet feet as on the two previous trips this week.  Decided this will be the last of my walks in this frankly awful summer.

Thursday 21 July 2011

21st July

Bike ride and walk round Kirkconnel Flow. Fairly quiet overall. Saw two ringlets, one meadow brown and one small heath, a first sighting although not uncommon. Apparently Large Heath is also present. Large number of meadow pipits on central bog, so might be a place to look for merlin. Also roe deer in binocs whilst watching pipits. Heard several but only saw one bird of prey, too far away to identify. Also heard possible redpoll. Walk round the bog is hard work as mostly rough underfoot.

Sunday 17 July 2011

17th July

Walk at Moffat Community Wildlife Reserve.  Willow warblers, redstarts.  Plenty of butterflies in spite of mixed weather -  ringlets, meadow browns (several although apparently in decline elsewhere) and two small tortoiseshells.  Pleasant mixed habitat.

Also did Earshaig Walk.  Lots of siskins, spotted woodpecker and excellent view of male redstart on way marker  Lots more ringlets and two large(?) skippers.

Wednesday 13 July 2011

13th July

Brief walk at Knowetop Lochs where saw several jays. Bike ride from New Galloway down Loch Ken and back via Bellymack/Laurieston. Swift flew out of an eve and almost crashed into me on New Galloway High Street! Siskin by Black Water of Dee and many red kites on way back. Goldfinches, ringlet butterflies. Stopped at Ken Dee Marshes to look out for wood warbler, but no sign.