Monday 13 February 2012

Monday 13th February

Long bike ride to Ae and Poldivan, then on over moors to Cample, Closeburnmill, Auldgirth, Kirkton. Two bullfinches and goldfinch plus long-tailed tits on the cycleway.  Just a buzzard or two on Amisfield Moor.  A very yellow looking crossbill just past Mitchellslacks turnoff before Loch Ettrick, only my second sighting although appaently there have been many of them in Ae Forest. This was a very cocky bird that flew down to take grit off the road right in front of the bike at three yards range.

Brief resighting of great grey shrike over lunch on the Poldivan clearing and met Brian Henderson again, who told me that my other target for the area, the merlin, is unlikely to show for a month and suggested looking for the black grouse left of the second cattle grid north.

However the wind got up and it was by then too cold for me to hang around long in cycling gear, or to spot more than a couple of pipits on the moortop. On the way down into the valley saw what I took to be a couple of greylags, except that they had a decided ridge just behind the bill.  I do not think they were white-fronted geese and cannot find any photos of greylags with that beak formation.

Completely exhausted after Auldgirth and virtually just letting the wind push me home, I startled a roe deer by Dalswinton Estate.

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