Saturday 24 March 2012

Saturday 24th March

Very warm day with some sun.  Far too pleasant to stay in the house, so another bike ride to Poldivan, thinking it might be last chance to see great grey shrike.

Saw much less than I heard, but spotted first chiffchaff of the year in trees by
cycle track, then a few buzzards.  Thought I heard a skylark not far out from Locharbriggs.

Most productive area was a lovely run through Amisfield Moor, where the meadow pipits have returned and there were also two male wheatear and a number of what on checking were probably female reed buntings.

On the way past Ae saw the first butterflies of the season. The ones I got a view of were peacocks that have presumably over-wintered.  At Poldivan, the shrike was not in evidence, so headed up past Mitchellslacks hoping to see predators.  But there were just some more pipits, quite a few curlew and some lapwing starting to display.

On the way back, the shrike was back in position.  Hung around just to the south of the clearing as a bloke from Cumbria reckoned he had seen a couple of goshawks.  I may have heard them, sounded a bit like a pheasant though.  Nothing much on Amisfield Moor, but did hear another chiffchaff before the cycle track turnoff.

A notable absence was the swallow - must be a few in the country by now.

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