Tuesday 30 October 2012

Tuesday 30th October

Walk at Threave Castle yesterday, nominally looking for willow tits.  Sort of broke the bind of hearing but not seeing birds as saw redwing, possible woodpecker and fieldfare in the high trees, several wrens, whooper swans, a couple of dunnock (are they another species that has gone down in numbers? - haven't seen one for ages) as well as blue tits and chaffinches.  Detoured back through the wood and also saw jay that had been screeching earlier. No suspect willow tits.  One bench near stepping stones hide is almost out of view of passing birds.  Several blackbirds went very close to me on way to tree nearby.

Very similar result re willow tit today on bike ride through Castle Wood - in fact only saw another jay, some wrens and incidental curlew on way back.  This area looks very attractive with lots of fallen trees, dead wood and damp patches for willow tit, but haven't seen much on several visits. Perhaps it hasn't settled down yet after recent makeover, although this is now two years ago.

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