Sunday 20 January 2013

Sunday 20th January

Trip to Lochmaben looking for willow tits but just a few common tits and a couple of redwing in the trees by bird hide walk.  Then from the hide spotted a bird with hunched posture on a raised tree stump on north bank.  Didn't look much like a heron as beak not noticeably yellow and appeared to have white and buff frontal colouring.  There has been a passing bittern in the area but it would be highly unlikely to pose so visibly. I'm feeling a bit mixed about the new binoculars.  Although I think I'm getting some sort of a view of birds at greater distances, I'm having trouble indentifying them. Hopefully it's just a case of getting used to them.

Also quick visit to Eskrigg Nature Reserve, where there were also no willow tits, but did see gs woodpecker, nuthatch and two treecreepers.

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