Sunday 3 February 2013

Sunday 3rd February

Brief trip to Castle Loch yesterday, looking for willow tits. Not seen but did see nuthatch (2), treecreeper (several) and log-tailed tit (up to 50). Standing in front of a tree and just waiting certainly better than wondering around in the marshy undergrowth, which is bound to make noise. No bird on tree stump today.

Met birder who said he had heard willow tit and last year had seen one at the feeders on the west bank. This is slightly contrary to info on the yahoo D&G birdwatching group, which suggests the feeders are too near the road to attract willow tit. Had been planning to try West bank anyway and just saw more of the usual range of birds on feeders, but a pleasant day.

Quick trip to Old Graitney to check over Kirtle Water again today. Saw yet another sparrowhawk on the way. They and sparrows seem to be doing really well.

River was much lower but still very deep. Lots of rocky stretches on nearside. No sign of fish and looked a bit daunting today. There is however a sign warning about casting near overhead power lines.

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