Saturday 30 March 2013

Saturday 30th March

Yesterday two greenfinches in trees next to Oakfield Brae.  Must be the breeding season.

Trip to Castle Loch for attempt on willow tit again.  None seen, none heard, though a nature watcher with huge camera and camouflage jacket told me he saw six on the banks of the Annan the other day.

Did however see nuthatch, treecreeper, long-tailed tit, red squirrel, wren, tufted duck and reed bunting (first one this year).  Wren caused me to think how long it is since I saw a goldcrest.

Inspired myself to take a run up to Poldivan area but all quiet.  No goshawk noise.  Sum total of sightings:  dead shrew, two crows on the trees that used to be favoured by great grey shrike and one unidentified raptor flyover.

On the way back a couple more probable redwings (didn't stop to confirm) and one meadow pipit by Amisfield Moor.

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