Monday 22 July 2013

Monday 22nd July

Fishing trip to Brooms. Fished end swim on Queensberry south bank in still very hot conditions.  A total of around fifteen fish but included mainly roach and what I until now thought were chub but may in fact have been ide, plus a couple of perch and a gudgeon.

Only two carp of not much above 1lb even though one was a very pretty golden mirror, plus a late barbel that was about 3.5 lb.  On last cast elastic snapped as a fish powered across the lake - presumably another barbel but only one other better fish lost.  Small fish dominated throughout and obstructions rendered the end swim unfishable.

I should perhaps have moved. Interestingly a bloke opposite was pumping out fish of a better size on a swimfeeder fished half way out.  Maybe this is the way to go at the peak of hot conditions (25 C) rather than sticking in the margins.

Sunday 21 July 2013

Sunday 21st July

Mabie Forest butterfly walk with Glenys again.  Thousands of ringlets, two small tortoiseshell, one red admiral, two small heath, one small copper and half a dozen common blues. But the most interesting sighting was a dark green fritillary.  Although said to be scarce we got a good look at one.  The green wasn't very clear but we saw enough to realise it was a female and saw about seven others in flight.  Once again at Mabie, did not see any birds in passing, just heard a few

Friday 12 July 2013

Friday 12th July

Did Moffat Wildlife and Earshaigs walks with Glenys. Hundreds of ringlets, meadow brown and possible gatekeeper. Oystercatcher.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Wednesday 3rd July

Large Heath  butterfly
After my holiday and several bike rides with no major sightings plus some bad weather today's trip was to Kirkconnell Flow in pursuit of Large Heath butterfly.  Hard going as track onto raised bog covered in scrub but several large heath sighted as per photo. Not bad as this was only the second attempt.

Other sightings on the day were; a couple of small heath away from raised bog - they are mainly on the wing in August - red deer, meadow pipit, skylark, little white moths, several dragonflies and well-concealed dragonfly spotter, ringlet butterfly.