Wednesday 29 January 2014

Wednesday 29th January

Bike ride from Crocketford - Palnackie.  Large number of buzzards on the moor running towards Kirkpatrick Durham and a single red kite.  Again thought I heard redpolls in Scots Pine on the way to Old Bridge Of Urr but too high up to get a sighting.  One lone kestrel on the way back.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Wednesday 22nd January

Bike ride to Loch Arthur. Again suspected linnets on the way out to Mavis Drive but can prove nothing.  Definite song thrush in same area, singing from tree.  A few redwing showing in trees near Kinharvie and one tufted duck with chicks on Loch Arthur itself.

No observations on return as went with the peleton.

Monday 13 January 2014

Monday 13th January

Back from a series of walks resulting from a weekend away at Malcolm's in Sheffield.  Did Amber Valley, Derwent Reservoir and the yellow trail at Mabie on returning here, though managed to get lost and make a massive detour.

Good to see that there are still a few kestrels patrolling the A1(M) along with many magpies. Malcolm saw his first siskin at Derwent, which was followed by a host of them (perhaps 40 - 50) feeding on the ground at Mabie.

We also complimeted each other's poor knowledge of trees to identify alders, larches and ashes.

Keeping Derwent Reservoir Clean

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Wednesday 8th January 2014

Bike ride to Castle Douglas.  Lone whooper swan sitting in field just past Crocketford.  One strong flying bird of prey not identified  - looked a bit dark to be a buzzard but low light was tricky.

Just one redwing in distance coming back over Glenkilns and none of the flocks of three weeks ago. Perhaps they are already going back to Scandinavia in the mild conditions.  Also no waxwings around as far as I can tell from checking sites and occasional run past the churchyard.

Thursday 2 January 2014

Thursday 2nd January 2014

Break in some terribly wet weather enabling bike trip to and through Ae Forest.

Started well with bullfinch and goldfinches before weather closed in.  Suspected crossbill flying off in forest and may have heard some calling.

At home there has been a wren in the garden and a blackbird that has learned to 'walk on water' by clinging to the pond net to eat the fishfood from the surface.