Sunday 18 May 2014

Sunday 18th May

Walk around Craigadam Woodland to see what was to be seen.  Not too much apart from several orange tip and butterflies and various whites, a group of which were being disturbed by a large red-tailed bumble bee.

On the way back down one trail, noticed that a couple of little brown birds were picking up grit from the road.  One was a chaffinch but the other wasn't, but only got side and rear views in binoculars so couldn't really identify.  Could see mottled flanks, some black around the head and possibly some red on the crown.  Obvious suspects would be linnet and redpoll, though I thought it looked a bit more like a twite - but it's completely the wrong time of year.

Quick view of red kite on way back to the car.

Also recent sighting of wall butterfly on the way to shops.

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