Thursday 10 July 2014

Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th July

Bike Ride to Caerlaverock via Brow Well and walk to Mabie Butterfly reserve.

Had alrady gone for a short walk in the fringes of Mabie last week and seen large numbers of ringlet as well as meadow brown, common blue and small pearl bordered fritillary.

On bike ride saw probable garden warbler and possible linnet in hedges at Brow Well. Meadow brown was much in evidence between there and Caerlaverock.

Not so the following day when again the ringlet was out in force and meadow brown was just now and again. Butterfly trail not overwhelmed in spite of sunny weather but did see small numbers of common blue, small heath.  Fritillaries were around but not settling for long and the one I got a good look at was a dark green as I suspect were the others, so more evidence that this species is now fairly common.

Interestingly there were no sightings of red admiral, small tortoiseshell (although one dead on road) or peacock.

Also some siskins, a close view of a willow warbler as well as some glimpses of larger birds, probably woodpeckers.  No sign of tree pipit.

Common blue

Dark green fritillary

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