Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tuesday 26th August

The path back from Loch Skerrow
Brilliant walk along the old Paddy Line from Mossvale to Loch Skerrow (finally got there!) with everything looking radiant in fine weather. Large numbers of peacocks and red admirals and, especially on the secluded stretch after the farm entry, even greater numbers of scotch argos.  I think I have seen these before but not during the time I've been writing this diary.  Also a couple of common blues and a solitary painted lady approaching the loch.  Numerous dragonflies, mainly golden-ringed, helicoptering around.

On the way back paid more attention to birds, which were quite shy (unused to visitors) but definitely identified whitethroats, blackcap and warblers I took to be willow warblers although strangely quiet. A surprising number of robins.  Quick glimpses of fleeing larger birds, probably jays, though again none of the characteristic screeching.  Suspected spotted flycatcher, which kept boldly flying back and forth out of the trackside trees to pick up grubs off the path, but could not get a convincing view through binoculars.

Apart from a cluster of kites around Clarebrand on driving back, no predators were sighted, but there is a rumour of ospreys being seen in the area.

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