Thursday 21 January 2016

Thursday 21 January

Winter at last!
A temperature leap out of the -0 C zone enabled me to go for the Wednesday bike ride to Gatehouse of Fleet. Didn't pay much attention on the way there, especially through Laurieston Forest, where it was apparent that winter had finally arrived and was still with us. Spent most of my time watching for potholes and unexpected patches of ice or snow.

On the way back, took a little detour via the Ken Dee Marshes area and was glad I did.  A number of buzzards and red kites were wheeling around and showing well above the road over from Laurieston. There was one buzzard who did not take part and sat moping in a tree as I cycled right by.
Then a flight of redwing took off from another tree, again before I could very close up.  I'm sure they dislike my cycling jacket.

Then on the way back towards Glenlochar, I observed fascinated as three youngish roe deer did a steeplechase through the fields, outpacing the bike until they ended up by the road and the first one crossed the road just in front of me before the others panicked and doubled back.

Last a small clump of snowdrops, not quite out, reminded me I must start thinking what to get for the garden this year.  I think I'm going to go for butterfly friendly plants and maybe leave a strip of lawn to go 'back to nature'.

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