Saturday 15 July 2017

Saturday 15th July

Sometimes you get a bit lucky.  I've thought for a while that I would like to get a photo of a goldfinch but they always seem to be on the move.  On Monday I was on the way to pick up a prescription when  I noticed one scavenging in one of the gardens near a fairly busy road.  Unfortunately it was skulking when I shot it, in fact it doesn't look in too happy a mood at all.

There was fine weather on Tuesday and the butterflies would probably been about. But I elected to play tennis instead. So often summer is too short to get all the things done that you wanted to.

Meanwhile I have been wondering about the identity of a flower that has turned up in a spare hanging basket, just where the bird table used to be.

Might be buckwheat
There wasn't much to report from the Wednesday bike ride from Castle Douglas to Dalry vis Mossvale.  One thing was that I saw several more buzzards than red kites.  Mainly I was looking out for butterflies and, although the sun was out, there weren't many... a couple of ringlets, several whites that wouldn't settle, the statutory unidentified brown butterfly flying in the tree tops, plus three red admirals trying to warm up on the track through the Ken Dee Marshes reserve. Apart from that there was just one yellow day flying moth I couldn't identify. And no orange tips.

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