Saturday 21 August 2021

All Quiet on the Nature Front

By comparison it's been a quiet couple of weeks with no new sightings.  The often dreary weather hasn't helped.

I've been bemoaning the lack of nymphalidae on my now several flourishing buddleia bushes.  Setting off on a bike ride a week ago on Wednesday, I noticed with envy that there were a couple in a neighbour's garden, since when small tortoiseshell, red admiral and peacock have appeared in mine but very infrequently and singly.  I have yet to see a comma.  It may just be that the best is yet to come but my suspicion is that it is a very bad year for these species.

By contrast there has been a larger number of whites, I think possibly more than most years.  Far and away predominant has been the large white with jut occasional appearances by green-veined and small white.  Initially it was mainly females but males have come more into prominence recently.

Female Large White

One red admiral seemed to prefer the flowery pattern on my rather tatty peg basket to the buddleia.

Red Admiral

Otherwise I've been looking out for plasterer bees but haven't seen any.  I haven't been putting out the peanut feeders in the plum trees as much as I want to give the plums a decent chance to ripen without getting pecked.  However, long-tailed tits and a male nuthatch have visited on a couple of occasions.

Yesterday I was out fishing at Brenkley and never had a bite.  It was mainly an attempt to familiarise myself with the tactics of fishing banded pellet so I wasn't too worried and reckoned a good carp could come along at any time.  In fact no-one caught a carp and there were no definite signs of carp activity so it was probably just one of those unaccountable days when they aren't feeding.

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