Sunday 30 October 2022

Autumn in Berlin

So it's been a rather long time since my last post declaring the end of Summer.

I've been mainly preoccupied with writing my "Death in Berlin" article (q.v.) following a very enjoyable return there in the middle of October.

Although not out looking for wildlife and without my binoculars, I did nevertheless happen on a couple of interesting sightings.

While wandering through leafy Zehlendorf, I was a little alarmed when an object from a tree landed on my shoulder and several more thudded down onto the roofs of parked cars nearby.  At first I thought they were conkers but a closer look showed it was a volley of acorns.

Clearly on the lookout for them were a trio of hooded crows and one of them was sufficiently interested to come onto the path near me.

Hooded Crow

I think there must be a lot of hooded crows in European cities.  The last one I saw was in Vienna.

Also pretty common on the basis of internet research was this firebug found on the wall of the entrance to the Gents' toilets at the Haus der Wannseekonferenz.


While still in Zehlendorf  I came across what I at first thought was a flower but is in fact clearly a shrub.

Mystery Shrub

It looks a bit like a cultivar but was growing freely at the edge of a woodland area.

I'm still searching for answers on that one...

In spite of temperatures reaching 24C on the day in question, I only saw a single butterfly, a white.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Joe, who knows about trees, I can confirm that the last image is of a spindle tree or a variant thereof. They do occur in the UK too but but not so frequently.
