Finally following a resolution made some time ago, I got out to a couple of locations nearby recently.
Last Wednesday I did a double trip to Thornley Woods and the Far Pastures Reserve.
After wandering around a bit in search of some reported redwing, the hide at Thornley Woods was fairly quiet.
A few tits visited the feeders and I caught sight of a nuthatch and a treecreeper as well as this woodpecker, which was deemed worth a photograph since they don't come to the caged feeders I now use.
Female Woodpecker |
At Far Pastures there was a bit more action and I was quite pleased to see a few teal and a family of gadwall, though I think teal is pretty much resident here.
The first bird I saw puzzled me a little as I took it to be a juvenile little grebe but could not see any parent birds. However it seems to be an adult in winter plumage.
Little Grebe |
There was also a good deal of activity around the feeders at the car park. I hung on for a while in fading light. just in case something memorable turned up.
Today I took a look at Stargate Pond and Beweshill Reserve which was pretty much a total failure as a bird watching trip but interesting in other ways.
I knew that Ryton Angling Club had a location in this area and sure enough there were four or five anglers trying their luck and with some success with the roach, quite impressive in temperatures of only 5C.
On talking to one of them it seems there is a good range of species present including tench and carp. If and when I start fishing again, this may well be where I go.
It's also not a bad size and, as a former quarry, quite deep.
The positive view was endorsed by this cormorant, the only bird I saw apart from swans and a magpie.
Cormorant |
Sure enough a roach was being landed as I moved away.
My verdict on the venue was that it might be one for the summer.
In particular the notice boards suggest that a good range of butterflies can be found there including dingy skipper. Small copper would not surprise me either as they are certainly present at Ryton Meadows a mile or so away. However I've never seen Stargate Pond mentioned in local reports on butterfly sightings.
I also spent some time on the other side of the main road trying in vain to find further ponds but did spot another marked wildlife area, which may well also be worth investigating.
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