Thursday 16 June 2011

16th June

Walberswick Common drew my attention as possible area for dartford warbler and green woodpecker.  Fortunate enough to meet a woman from Natural England awaiting a school group, who gave me a map and some directions so I could plan activities around the anticipated rainstorm, which lasted nearly three hours while I read in the car.

The main targets were not co-operating, even in spite of combing the woodland and getting a little lost right in the middle of dartford warbler heathland.  But two very pleasant walks led to jay, reed warbler, bearded tit (including a close-up of a female this time), marsh harrier, buzzard (not so common in Suffolk), cetti's warbler and several rather cocky reed buntings who absolutely refused to leave their favourite bushes when I walked right underneath them.  There were also some otter tracks near the old mill.

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