Monday 28 May 2012

Monday 28th May

Today looks like the end of prolonged spell of sunshine so off to Mabie Forest on bike to check out butterflies in nature reserve.  Kept casual eye out for wood warbler and green woodpecker on the way but suspected sighting of tree pipits on edge of butterfly area.  Couldn't get them in binoculars to confirm but tree pipit is becoming a target.  It seems they are around but I just don't notice them.

Quite instuctive as lots of small pearl bordered fritillaries and small heaths but also a very small, lighter coloured butterfly that seemed almost predominantly yellow with dark spots/cheques. There is a thing called the chquered skipper. I have contacted Butterfly Conservation  Scotland to see if this is at all likely.  Supposedly they only occur in the Fort William area but it is their peak flying time.  I don't find the pictures I've seen of them much help as the specimen I observed appeared much lighter in colour.

Later research suggests it may in fact have been a speckled yellow moth.

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