Tuesday 8 May 2012

Tuesday 8th May

Conntinued easterly winds and very cool weather have meant all thoughts of fishing have been postponed.  Managed morning trip to Ken Dee Marshes as a first attempt at spotting wood warbler, green woodpecker and willow tit.  Never sure about this place.  The area noted for wood warblers seemed decidedly quiet again although I did hear some trilling from a distance and saw the bird but too far away to identify.  No sign either of pied flycatcher.  Did however see treecreeper and female wheatear (never seen either here before) as well as pink footed geese.  There was a moment of excitement when I caught sight of a bird with dark head markings at the edge of the main woodland - but it turned out to be a fluffy looking male blackcap.

Also three red squirrels on brief walk to Lockerbie Wildlife Reserve some time before this.

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