Tuesday 26 June 2012

Tuesday 26th June

Thankfully better weather for last day of holiday.  Took bus up the Zemmerbachtal (by accident) and had a lovely walk back to Ginzling along the valley, plus a run over the Innerboden lower hill walk in the afternoon.  A lot of butterflies that I started to photograph so I have confirmation of alpine blue and picture of an eyed brown I can't identify.  Large trout and others seen under first bridge at Ginzling.

On Innerboden walk a yellow bird landed briefly on a fence than scuttled off into the trees making discontented noises.  A dogwalking lady told me it was a serin, which I first doubted but later got a good look at one one the telegraph wires at the end of the walk and confirmed.  More encounters with black redstarts, the coal tits that look like marsh tits and butterflies, one of which was I think a female alpine blue - looked dark blue when flying but seemed very dingy grey with slight white marking when landed.

All throughout the holiday, the extra variety of species available made for increased interest but also inceased frustration as it makes identification much more of a challenge.  But I'm very happy with the new additions to my birdspotting list and to have seen such a variety of plant and insect life as well. And the scenery itself was of course fantastic.

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