Monday 25 June 2012

24rd June and 25th June

Went up the Ahorn lift and walked to Edelhutte.  A bit cloudy so not so rich in butterflies but highlighted by excellent view of male and female ring ouzel that flew fortuitously into tree just past a rock edge as I was approaching.  I even knew from the calls and could readily see the white edgings to male's feather patterns but was 90% luck - right place at right time. Got photographs but too blurred to show much.

I saw several crag martins (apparently) and an annoying pipit that clearly wasn't a meadow pipit and kept flying up at 45 degrees chirruping all the way and back down onto the same rock.  This may have been a water pippet, which does occur in the Tirol.  Also several black redstarts.

The next day rain interrupted walk up one of the valleys towards Schlegeis at Teufelsbrucke.  Only one butterfly, but did get very good view of redstart in hedgerow which was constantly tutting and calling and seemed to follow me around.  There were also some tits moving around non-stop that at first I took for willow or marsh tits but there bibs were far too big, extending way down onto chest.  Again there are one or two rarities that looked possible but on balance I think they must have been the local variation of coal tit without the usual pinkish hue and white stripe at back of head.  My German bird book indicates some difference and some photographs of the Tannenmeise do look very like willow/marsh tit.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting bit of misidentification here, I think. The key on the mystery pipit is the behaviour, which in retrospect strongly suggests a tree pipit. They were definitely crag martins, though.
