Sunday 2 September 2012

Sunday 2nd September

Drove to Mill Loch to check out fishing possibilities. North side flooded and not much getting caught.  West end is getting silted up.  An area where I once caught a pike is unfishable.

Went on to Kelhead to see if any better.  Almost unrecognisable from the time I last fished there four or five years ago.  Most of the quarry inaccessible.  Pipe swim approach completely flooded.  New trees all over next to bank.  Two blokes fishing at corner but only two other swims further up accessible. Typography of the bankside almost unrecognisable.  Think I'll go for Mill Loch if at all, as at least the water seems to be running off well.  Did see a few willow warblers around Mill Loch and a greater spotted woodpecker at Kelhead.

On a brighter note there is now a glut of peacock butterflies on the buddleia, so at least one butterfly has done well.  Unfortunately Jennifer's cat has eaten a couple.  Also a good few small tortoiseshells but still no red admiral.

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