Saturday 15 September 2012

Saturday 15th September

Did a 'bikebirding' effort round Glenkiln loop hoping to see 16 species excepting crows and gulls (which were strangely absent anyway) rather than trying to actually spot anything.  In the end only 14 as wren repeatedly heard not seen, as were a jay and a curlew.  For the record: wood pigeon, sparrow, chaffinch, house martin, meadow pipit, swallow (loads of), blackbird, chaffinch, black swan, greylag goose, buzzard, blue tit, starling, goldfinch.  Didn't count mallard or mute swan as too common.

The bird target this winter has to be the waxwing.  Next fishing target a river chub.  Research suggests that they are not as frequent on the Annan as they once were, but have come back a bit in the Sark and Kirtle Water.

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