Wednesday 29 May 2013

Wednesday 29th May

Bike ride from New Galloway to Barstobrick and a good one for wildlife. Investigated possible whitethroat hiding in small tree north of Mossdale that turned out to be a sedge warbler. Pipits heard but again not seen. Bullfinch north of Laurieston and two red deer plus a few orange tips further south.

Reed warbler on small tree on way back plus curlew and oystercatcher. Went via Ken Dee marshes and saw red kite and greylag goose on way over hills from Laurieston. Paused at seat where pied flycatcher boxes are and found that two were being used by them. Also sighted female blackcap on path, probable garden warbler and heard wood warbler calling in trees.

Arrived home to find nesting box used by sparrows all askew with no evidence of why. Parent birds are still visiting but no nestlings heard.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Tuesday 28th May

Did a walk at Cally Woods on Saturday. Although very attractive it was disappointying as virtually no birdlife seen - just one jay.

So fitted in fishing trip to Brooms amid promise of improving weather.  In fact quite a bit of rain and coole ENE wind. Possibly picked poor swim at NW corner of Bruce's Acre where much reed and tree curtting has taken place.

Nevertheless managed three chub, one of which was going on 1.5lb., two barbel largest about 3.5lb, good skimmer over 1lb and a gudgeon on caster.  Rest all came on corn except second barbel.

Annoyingly a lot of fish came off once hooked - hopefully because of small hook size rather than overtight pole elastic.  Fish certainly could not run much.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Wednesday 22nd May

Fishing trip.  Wanted to go back to Kelhead but only selling tickets at Hoddam Estate, so went to Brooms unequipped for carp.

Turned out not badly. Fished swim next to channel on square and soon found about 10 perch on maggot, then roach took over for another 10 small fish followed by a skimmer of about 1.5 lb.

Wind came on and fishing deteriorated for a couple of hours, then caught another five fish (including one perch, one skimmer) before it went off again.  Chanced three hair rigged bits of sweetcorn in the evening and managed to land one resulting common carp of about 3.5 lb, which however went all over the place on the light tackle.  Got a couple more bites before packing up but did not connect.

Sure today that I was getting shot bites of roach and got but couldn't connect bites on hempseed - just one fish on hemp and maggot.  Meanwhile one or two butterflies even showed including the first orange tip.

In the garden there are definitely sparrow nestlings in the nesting box which sparrows have been tending for several weeks. On Monday, suspected a whitethroat in the hedgerow on Oakfield Brae.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Sunday 19th May

A rare day of twitching as I read reports of wood warblers at Wood of Cree, so abandoned other plans and set off to Newton Stewart early.  Made things complicated by stopping at the new part of the reserve and starting with a rather barren “wood” walk that actually mainly took in moorland.  Managed sparrowhawk, reed bunting, wheatear with juvenile and willow warbler as well as hearing skylarks and seeing suspected pipits in flight. Also heard cuckoo calling from woods - so that makes three in three years.

On finding the main wood, I found a calling wood warbler almost immediately and got a good view of it fluttering in the canopy.  Several more too and wood warbler was the predominant bird in the lower part of the wood ahead of willow warbler and chaffinch. In the binoculars on a day with poor light it was heard to see much yellow on them but the song was unmistakeable (hear more than see video below!). There was just one pied flycatcher on the way back and nesting boxes seemed as yet unoccupied.  Did not see tree pipit although told by bloke on first site that there are plenty around.

So a major tick on my list and a cue to think what still is on the list after various successes over the years.  Basically in some sort of order it's willow tit, green woodpecker, hawfinch (not sure where to start with that one), merlin, goshawk, eagle).  Not a very long list now, but there are plenty that I would like to see again.  Hold on though, I forgot hooded crow.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Wednesday 15th May

After a very wet ride last Wednesday, nicer this week between Ken Dee Car Park and Twynholm.  No surprise that first bird seen was a red kite, excellent close up view hovering at 40', followed by four or five others during the ride.  Also close up of impudent willow warbler, which looked like it would have flown to my hand.

Series of whitethroat in hedgerows south of Laurieston and song thrush at Twynholm.  Very few butterflies in spite of sunshine, just a couple of whites.  Just one buzzard and no kestrels.

Sunday 5 May 2013

Sunday 5th May

Quick trip to Brooms with M Lumb but prevented from touring fishing match.  Saw one good barbel landed but pleasure anglers getting mothing on square and canal.  Willow warbler in bushes.

Also dropped in at Kelhead which is no longer flooded and looks more promising. Some tree clearing has made some swims more accessible.  Saw a couple of small fish surfacing in swim 1.  Idea of fishing there actually seemed more attractive than Brooms.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Wednesday 1st May

Not much to report over the last fortnight. Last week's Wednesday bikeride took place in wind and rain, making it hard to see anything at all.  Today saw a young deer and a treecreeper plus a bird of prey that Tony thought was a sparrowhawk, though I didn't see much brown on it. Went looking for willow tits at Castle Loch yesterday but feeders have been removed and nothing interesting showing around the castle. Ended up sunning myself.

Have however seen a male siskin in the garden and heard greenfinches on new road. Chiffchaffs now audible most places.