Wednesday 29 May 2013

Wednesday 29th May

Bike ride from New Galloway to Barstobrick and a good one for wildlife. Investigated possible whitethroat hiding in small tree north of Mossdale that turned out to be a sedge warbler. Pipits heard but again not seen. Bullfinch north of Laurieston and two red deer plus a few orange tips further south.

Reed warbler on small tree on way back plus curlew and oystercatcher. Went via Ken Dee marshes and saw red kite and greylag goose on way over hills from Laurieston. Paused at seat where pied flycatcher boxes are and found that two were being used by them. Also sighted female blackcap on path, probable garden warbler and heard wood warbler calling in trees.

Arrived home to find nesting box used by sparrows all askew with no evidence of why. Parent birds are still visiting but no nestlings heard.

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