Saturday 22 June 2013

22nd June

Rocky cliffs opposite Les Baux
After a false start yesterday, made it by the early bus to Les Baux, where early temperatures were distinctly chilly.  In spite of having a very careful look around and constantly scanning the high cliffs opposite the town, I could not manage to spot a wallcreeper.  I have no idea whether this was due to time of year, windy conditions, or location.

There was one bird that kept flying in and out of a cavern, which seemed like the right behaviour, but I could not manage to sneak close enough to identify it in spite of hiding in the cavern itself at one point.  In fact the only birds I managed to identify were some chaffinches and a crested tit, which was the first time I have seen one since my holiday in the Pfalz in 2004.  It seems strange they are not more widespread in Scotland when they occur freely in Europe.

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