Sunday 23 June 2013

23rd June

I cycled a large figure of eight through the Camargue between Villeneuve and Mas St Bertrand and in
Flamingo (and tree!)
contrast to yesterday, there was wildlife at almost every turn.

Apart from species I had already encountered - the egrets, kites, marsh harriers, marbled white butterflies and a hordes of warblers that disappeared every time I tried to identify them, there were various fresh sightings, including the inevitable flamingos* (though not so many this early in the year), skylarks and crested grebes,several black-winged stilt*, a red-footed falcon* plus a light-coloured falcon I couldn't put a name to, a suspected pallid swift* and a large green lizard with a yellow belly that slid across the road just in front of the bike. I also heard a cuckoo.

However I must say that there was one other wildlife encounter that I will remember - the bull steak I ate at L'Ingenu at Mas St Bertrand, which was excellent!

* These were all first sightings.

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