Wednesday 9 October 2013

Wednesday 9th October

Last week a wet bike ride with few sightings, but did catch a glimpse of late willow warbler in the hedgerow near Old Bridge of Urr. Also field full of greylag geese.

With some time to spare went for a brief ride along the Caledonian Cycle Path (W) the day after and caught a quick sighting of a linnet just past the footpath to the Garden Centre. Several others singing but not easy to see.

On the Friday made a trip to Eskrigg in pursuit of willow tit but again no success although red squirrels plentiful and all the usual suspects were on the feeders including nuthatch and gs woodpecker. Lots of coal tits. Monthly recordings mention willow tit and wood warbler, but not willow warbler (why?).

A few red admirals on the wing on a mild start to autumn this year.  Today they were settling on the road whilst out cycling. Also song thrush in front garden.

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