Friday 6 February 2015

Wednesday 4th February

Bad weather has continued so decided to head for Dalbeattie Forest for latest goshawk forage.  Changed plans because of parking issues and eventually ended up going to Screel rather than faff around getting change to pay for parking in a totally empty car park!

Ironically did not manage to identify a single bird of prey during the walk.  One brown bird of prey was moving at one point but my attention was simultaeneously drawn to two red deer passing along the forest edge right in front of me.

In the end only saw another bullfinch, a mistle thrush, several coal tits and even more robins.  I noticed a large number of robins at this time of year once before. On a walk in nearby Doach Wood, now undergoing deforestation, every single bird was a robin - scores of them in just a couple of miles.

Nevertheless a pleasant walk in bright sunlight that was given an unexpected highlight when one of the aforementioned robins cheekily decided to share my apple with me!

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