Sunday 8 November 2015

Sunday 8th November

During a fairly busy week managed to slot in a bike ride from Ae village up to Durisdeer and back via Thornhill and Auldgirth. Unfortunately there was consistent mist and a lot of mizzle so there was no need for my polaroid clip-ons, which of course I had with me precisely when they were of no use

Reception Committee
There were some notable gatherings of chaffinches, gradually building into their flocks for the winter when they will be seen in considerable numbers. Up on the moors there were a few pipits about but nothing more when I paused at the summit, apart from the obvious disapproval of the members of the local Conservative Club who do not like intruders. After that I paused briefly at Morton Pond, wondering what the fishing is like these days. Overall lots of green vegetation still, but lots of mud on road and bike.

On the way back there was a strange occurence when I disturbed a brownish bird in the hedgerow.  It made to fly in front of the bike but realised it hadn't the time. Quick as a flash it doubled back and dived straight through the front and back wheels right underneath my feet as they pedalled along at around 12 mph. Understandably there is no photographic evidence and I doubt if anything like it will ever happen again. I think it was a sparrow.

Also just managing to evade the camera was a male blackcap that briefly turned up in the low trees at the back of my neighbour's garden. That one must have been lost as well as late, I thought. However it seems that Blackcaps are starting to overwinter in the UK, so who knows.

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