Saturday 14 November 2015

Saturday14th November

The weather is worsening. Another cycle ride in the Thornhill area was largely an exercise in dodging floods and debris as the weather has been very wet and remained so eight miles North of Dumfries in
either direction As a result there was nothing to report beyond one or two glimpses of the usual finch suspects and a greater spotted woodpecker on someone's feeder. Not a single bird of prey to be seen.

Droids in Nithsdale?
There was however one unusual sighting as it appears that the village of Park hes been invaded by a patrol of extra-terrestrial farming droids, who seemed much happier with the prevailing conditions than I was.

Today on the way back from the Chemist's there were half a dozen long-tailed tits and a couple of male greenfinches in the young trees on the far side of the road, which was heartening after long absences in either case.  It goes to show you don't always have to go a long way to see something interesting.

I had hoped there would still be a few butterflies around in view of the warm temperatures but there has been no sun.  The last one I saw was a red admiral in the garden on 2nd November.

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