Thursday 6 April 2017

Thursday 6th April

We progress slowly into Spring though not with much warmth. A female siskin made a brief appearance at the bottom of next door's garden on Monday.  It's good to see they appear occasionally and it was a frequent occurrence when there were more conifers about.  Further west a lot of redpolls are being seen in gardens but I think that's a forlorn hope where I am.  I did hear a greenfinch today.
Swan and apple

Wednesday's bike ride was a little murky and windy, but there were one or two things about.  I stopped for a break on the observation platform at Lochfoot, where a couple of mute swans were feeding in shallow water. By way of a scientific experiment, I decided to see if they would like the remains of my apple.  The result was inconclusive but they did have a bit of a go at it.

The military road to Castle Douglas does tend to be a bit plain.  As usual there were a few wagtails knocking about on the stretch after Milton to Haugh of Urr.  I've often wondered if I could spot a white wagtail among them if one appeared.  Recently however I did a photo identification test on a birdwatching act and found the white wagtail much easier to identify than from book illustrations. There were a few buzzards around of course.

Better luck was to come.  Just before Ernespie there were some skylarks to be heard and I got a very good view of one flapping and singing like crazy right next to the roadside.

I had decided I would come back through the Glenkilns thinking there might be a chance of seeing an early whinchat or a wheatear.  As usual I stopped at the place on the road up where there is usually a good deal of bird and squirrel activity but today there was absolutely nothing. The same was true of the wheatear and the whinchat but I did get some good views of a meadow pipit and a couple of stonechats perching on old grass stalks.  The stonechats hung around for some time.

The other things I didn't see were any swallows or - unremarkably - butterflies.  Interestingly there wasn't a single red kite either.

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