Monday 7 August 2017

Monday 7th August

Red admirals are now appearing regularly in the garden as the buddleia blooms though I think the maximum I've seen at any one time is three.  Last week there was also a nowadays rare appearance from a small tortoiseshell.  Then the same day I found one squashed on the patio step so I just hope it wasn't the same one and that I didn't accidentally stand on it when I took the rubbish out.

Today was also the first appearance of a peacock since early spring.  One thing I haven't noticed for a few days is any swifts chasing each other around the houses.  Surely they can't already have departed for Africa?

Last Friday I took a bike trip to the Birkshaw Forest from Lochmaben, hoping to see a few butterflies during an afternoon that was forecast to be sunny.  Birkshaw is one location where the Essex Skipper can be seen, though I would have settled for a bit of variety including a few blues.

In fact the sun disappeared totally and all I saw was a few peacocks trying to warm themselves up on the stones in an otherwise promising-looking flower meadow.  One of them was particularly large and the markings around the rings seemed to me to be more pronounced than usual.

Peacock on the rock
It was certainly in splendid condition.

Also of some interest was this fly the likes I've never seen before and a a fine maple I noticed on the end of a line of conifers.
Mystery fly
Surprise maple
P.s. A small white just turned up on the lavender.

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