Saturday 19 August 2017

Saturday 19th August

It cintinues to be a very mixed summer.

The peacocks and red admirals are visiting the garden in increasing numbers but I think I have only seen about four small tortoiseshells in total.  So far there hasn't been a painted lady.

Realising that the butterfly season is coming to a close I went bike riding down to the Solway Coast
Wall Brown
at Port of Warren on Thursday, hoping that I might see something out of the usual without doing a major hike.

This wasn't to be but the wall butterfly was out in force, so it was pleasing to see one again after nearly a year.

Otherwise there was a couple of sedge warblers in the trees next to the beach and one bird with a yellow stripe on its side that must have been a goldfinch - except that somehow I didn't think it was.

I was sort of thinking a holly blue or grayling might turn up by chance but in a way it was good they didn't as I only had my mobile ohone with me.

Today I joined the local Butterfly Conservation group walk at Mossdale in very dark and threatening weather.  Fortunately it brightened up and we got an hour or so of hazy sunshine, during which a surprising number of butterflies appeared.

There must have been over 50 peacocks, a good number of red admirals and a single painted lady on the way to the bridge over the Black Water of Dee, after which we spotted maybe 30 scotch argos until the weather closed in.

Painted Lady
Scotch Argos
I also got this photograph of a blue damselfly that I was rather pleased with, though apparently there are a few different kinds of blue damselfly and they are very hard to tell apart.  This sort of knowledge is the result of going out with people with some expertise!

Having researched the matter, I believe this was a common blue damselfly.

After we got past the farm the track was unpassable except in wellingtons, so we turned back as the rain became heavy for a time.  Afterwards there were still one or two butterflies around, including a painted lady, possibly the same one we saw on the way out.

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