Sunday 6 May 2018

Sunday 6th May

Went on a hilly bike ride on Tuesday, hearing a couple of skylarks on the way.  Cycling back along the Tyne from Bywell, I saw a couple of white butterflies, one of which was the first orange tip that I've seen this year.

I cycled through to Ryton before leaving the Keelman's Way.  Just after I crossed the railway line, a walker stopped me and suggested I cycle up a footpath as the narrow road had been blocked by a broken down car.

Half way up the path  a small copper landed nearby and waited a full three minutes while I got out my camera before flying off at the last moment.  It was briefly replaced by a rather tatty looking green-veined white but it was good to see them anyway.

Yesterday I was pleased to see a female orange tip visiting my carefully preserved garlic mustard but it was clearly nectaring rather than laying.

There was also a sparrow on the back lawn and a starling on the feeders this morning, the first of either I have noticed.  It made me realise the garden is still  unpredictable.  Dunnocks heavily outnumber sparrows and there are far more jackdaws than starlings.  However this fellow (below) was definitely not something I thought I would come up against.  He certainly looks a lot nicer than the grey rats I used to glimpse arond Georgetown after dark!

Brown Rat

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