Sunday 20 January 2013

Sunday 20th January

Trip to Lochmaben looking for willow tits but just a few common tits and a couple of redwing in the trees by bird hide walk.  Then from the hide spotted a bird with hunched posture on a raised tree stump on north bank.  Didn't look much like a heron as beak not noticeably yellow and appeared to have white and buff frontal colouring.  There has been a passing bittern in the area but it would be highly unlikely to pose so visibly. I'm feeling a bit mixed about the new binoculars.  Although I think I'm getting some sort of a view of birds at greater distances, I'm having trouble indentifying them. Hopefully it's just a case of getting used to them.

Also quick visit to Eskrigg Nature Reserve, where there were also no willow tits, but did see gs woodpecker, nuthatch and two treecreepers.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Tuesday 8th January

Bike ride to Mitchellslacks.  Frustratingly several birds were seen but not identified during the course of the day.  Great grey shrike not present but a couple of smaller, reddish birds were on one of its perching places - possibly crossbills?  Also one brownish bird of prey gliding between the conifers. Too slight to be goshawk and had pointed wings - merlin??

One bird on skulking on moor by second cattle grid may have been a grouse, but hardly got a look at it.

On way back saw a large flock of thrushlike birds at distance, flitting between trees and grassland. Suspected redwing but could not identify positively.  One bird I saw on the other side of the road appeared to have red head and breast markings in a similar patter to a linnet.  But another with it had a clear white tip to its tail feathers - probably just a chaffinch.

Overall just one of those days.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Tuesday 1st January

Walk at Threave Castle to test out new binoculars.  Very swampy near hide where I have seen hen harriers before at this time of year, so not much doing.  Walked on to the river where there was a reed bunting and a couple of red kites plus two goldeneye (probable - not great with ducks) travelling very fast downstream on river. Just upstream of the castle there seems to be a have been a second attempt at an osprey nest*.

Some geese on far side of river I took to be greylags (including one leucistic) although these are not mentioned on the information boards but they weren't the greenland white-fronted geese people have been seeing.  Also took an extra walk to Lamb Island where there was a tree I didn't recognise that had dark pinnate leaves and was full of berries.  It looked a certain target for waxwings.

*Note:  I later learned it was being constructed by wardens as the original nest is becoming unstable.