Thursday 28 February 2013

Thursday 28th February

Chub fishing trip on Sark, trying a promising under bridge at Corrie's Mill and various snaggy spots on the Sark at Gretna. River now pretty low but no fish sighted and certainly no bite. One passer by mentioned the otter problem, and all the evidence is that the popular view that otters have wiped out the fish may be justified. But what do the otters do when fish supplies have been exhausted? Head into the Solway persumably.

Another lovely, even warmer day but the only notable siting was a pair of dippers on arriving at Gretna. A few starlings gathering as I packed up.

Monday 25 February 2013

Monday 25th February

Dozy Squirrel and Coal Tits
Lovely bike ride over Shawhead and Crocketford in warming weather, diverting to Glenkilns Reservoir (no black swan only greylags) after sighting a red squirrel on the Estate.  Stopped for lunch, looking into crystal clear water.  On way to Crocketford came across a broken wall where birds were clustering.  They were all coal tits, far more than I have ever seen together before, picking up bits of food that someone must have left on the wall.  Then another red squirrel appeared and, seemingly dozy, wondered along the wall almost on top of me before it took fright, and a third squirrel did exactly the same thing.

After an excellent pint of Old Speckled Hen in the Galloway Arms, saw a fourth squirrel lolloping around a tree on the back road to Shawhead and a red kite circling around over the moor.  Definitely my record for red squirrels in a single day.

Last week saw a linnet singing away on a hedgerow while on U3A walk near Gretna.

Monday 25th February

Squirrel and Coaltits
Lovely bike ride over Shawhead and Crocketford in warming weather, diverting to Glenkilns Reservoir (no black swan only greylags) after sighting a red squirrel on the Estate.  Stopped for lunch, looking into crystal clear water.  On way to Crocketford came across a broken wall where birds were clustering.  They were all coal tits, far more than I have ever seen together before, picking up bits of food that someone must have left on the wall.  Then another red squirrel appeared and, seemingly dozy, wondered along the wall almost on top of me before it took fright, and a third squirrel did exactly the same thing.

After an excellent pint of Old Speckled Hen in the Galloway Arms, saw a fourth squirrel lolloping around a tree on the back road to Shawhead and a red kite circling around over the moor.  Definitely my record for red squirrels in a single day.

Sunday 17 February 2013

Saturday 16th - Sunday 17th February

Bells' Brae, Edinburgh
Visit to Edinburgh and Balloch to see Jennifer and boyfriend Joe.  On Saturday got distracted from my intention of visiting art galleries into a charming walk along Bells' Brae in the old town, where a song thrush was holding forth full pelt from high in a tree.  I really can't recall the last time I saw one.

On Sunday took a walk up Callendar Crags and to Bracklinn Falls.  Joe was disappointed not to see red squirrel but we did see amongst others a pair of ravens, a grrenfinch (increasingly seldom to see them since the bad winters) of 2009-2010 and another volley of siskins on the feeders near the town. Joe heard an owl, but I didn't.

One absentee on walks in the Loch Lomond area so far has been the crossbill in spite of abundance of scots pine.  We also have not seen any mammals, although there was a lot of evidence of deer (or similar) gnawing the trees on the Crag today.

Sunday 17th February

Yesterday and today visit to Edinburgh and Balloch to see Jennifer and boyfriend Joe.  On Saturday got distracted from my intention of visiting art galleries into a charming walk along Bells' Brae in the old town, where a song thrush was holding forth full pelt from high in a tree.  I really can't recall the last time I saw one.

On Sunday took a walk up Callendar Crags and to Bracklinn Falls.  Joe was disappointed not to see red squirrel but we did see amongst others a pair of ravens, a grrenfinch (increasingly seldom to see them since the bad winters) of 2009-2010 and another volley of siskins on the feeders near the town. Joe heard an owl, but I didn't.

One absentee on walks in the Loch Lomond area so far has been the crossbill in spite of abundance of scots pine.  We also have not seen any mammals, although there was a lot of evidence of dear (or similar) gnawing the trees on the Crag today.

Also spotted a linnet singing in hedgerow on U3A walk near Gretna.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Tuesday 12th February

Another chance sighting of a siskin flock in the area of the gym, this time while I was actually exercising.  About 40 were coming down from the trees onto the ground, where the snow was settling increasingly.  They seemed to be picking something up in their beaks, presumably grit.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Tuesday 12th February

Another chance sighting of a siskin flock in the area of the gym, this time while I was actually exercising.  About 40 were coming down from the trees onto the ground, where the snow was settling increasingly.  They seemed to be picking something up in their beaks, presumably salt crystals.

Sunday 3 February 2013

Sunday 3rd February

Quick trip to Old Graitney to check over Kirtle Water again.  Saw yet another sparrowhawk on the way.  They and sparrows seem to be doing really well.

River was much lower but still very deep.  Lots of rocky stretches on nearside.  No sign of fish and looked a bit daunting today.  There is however a sign warning about casting near overhead power lines.

Sunday 3rd February

Brief trip to Castle Loch yesterday, looking for willow tits. Not seen but did see nuthatch (2), treecreeper (several) and log-tailed tit (up to 50). Standing in front of a tree and just waiting certainly better than wondering around in the marshy undergrowth, which is bound to make noise. No bird on tree stump today.

Met birder who said he had heard willow tit and last year had seen one at the feeders on the west bank. This is slightly contrary to info on the yahoo D&G birdwatching group, which suggests the feeders are too near the road to attract willow tit. Had been planning to try West bank anyway and just saw more of the usual range of birds on feeders, but a pleasant day.

Quick trip to Old Graitney to check over Kirtle Water again today. Saw yet another sparrowhawk on the way. They and sparrows seem to be doing really well.

River was much lower but still very deep. Lots of rocky stretches on nearside. No sign of fish and looked a bit daunting today. There is however a sign warning about casting near overhead power lines.

Saturday 2 February 2013

Saturday 2nd February

Brief trip to Castle Loch, looking for willow tits.  Not seen but did see nuthatch (2), treecreeper (several) and log-tailed tit (up to 50).  Standing in front of a tree and just waiting certainly better than wandering around in the marshy undergrowth, which is bound to make noise. No bird on tree stump today.

Met birder who said he had heard willow tit and last year had seen one at the feeders on the west bank.  This is slightly contrary to info on the yahoo D&G birdwatching group, which suggests the feeders are too near the road to attract willow tit. Had been planning to try West bank anyway and just saw more of the usual range of birds on feeders, but a pleasant day.

Yesterday an excellent view of sparrowhawk in close pursuit of a sparrow across the rooftops while I was waiting for a bus.

Also on my last visit to see mum on Monday this week, two male bullfinches in the tree outside her window.

Friday 1 February 2013

Friday 1st February

Excellent view of sparrowhawk in close pursuit of a sparrow across the rooftops while I was waiting for a bus.

Also on my last visit to see Mum on monday this week, two male bullfinches in the tree outside her window.