Wednesday 28 May 2014

Wednesday 28th May

Bike ride from Ken Dee to Gatehouse.  Just past the edge of Laurieston Forest, heard a cuckoo calling and John who was following me five minutes later reported seeing it about 30 yeards from roadside.

On the top of the moor I could hear another.  Stopping also got at last a close view (at last this year) of some pipits that seemed to be juveniles wanting fed and of skylarks, pretty much straight above. Made a change from just hearing them.

Today decided to count numbers of “interesting” birds, a project that was rather affected by passing Bellymack Farm at feeding time, so around 50 red kites topped the list.  There were also over twenty swans just above the barrage at Glenlochar.  The contest for third place was more interesting and the contenders were meadow pipit 4, swallow 4 and skylark 3.

Also saw a willow warbler returning from shops yesterday and coal tits are using bird table again on occasion.

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Wednesday 21st May

Bike ride to New Abbey via Beeswing.  Large number of goldfinches approaching the Lochfoot roundabout on cycle track, but in spite of slow ride between New Abbey and Beeswing, nothing more of interest.  Birds of prey notably absent.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Tuesday 20th May

Getting out while the weather is fine, I took a walk round Earshaigs.  The road up was in very poor condition.  On arrival, greeted by a couple of grey wagtails, which then seemed to follow me around a bit.  More orange tips etc plus a number of peacocks along the side of the plantation.

On the way back noticed a bird moving in a fallen conifer and waited for it to show.  The result was a clear view of a lesser whitethroat - a rarity for these parts but I'm convinced it was one.  Got a good view of the white underparts and did not have the same characteristic headshape of common whitethroat. This is the first time I've seen a lesser whitethroat in the UK.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Sunday 18th May

Walk around Craigadam Woodland to see what was to be seen.  Not too much apart from several orange tip and butterflies and various whites, a group of which were being disturbed by a large red-tailed bumble bee.

On the way back down one trail, noticed that a couple of little brown birds were picking up grit from the road.  One was a chaffinch but the other wasn't, but only got side and rear views in binoculars so couldn't really identify.  Could see mottled flanks, some black around the head and possibly some red on the crown.  Obvious suspects would be linnet and redpoll, though I thought it looked a bit more like a twite - but it's completely the wrong time of year.

Quick view of red kite on way back to the car.

Also recent sighting of wall butterfly on the way to shops.

Friday 16 May 2014

Friday 16th May

Fishing at Brooms at last.  A bit slow, fish just seem to be coming on.  Two small commons and a decent ide (perhaps 1 ¾ lb) on prawn feeder.

Later went into the margins but missed fish for various reasons, probably due to weak hook straightening out as well as difficulty getting out of chair. But managed three skimmers, one of which was over 3lb, and another small common on pellet.  Worm was starting to work late on but a lot of finicky bites.

Need to fish more often - feel I'm quite rusty.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Wednesday 14th May

Rode out over the moors road to Corsock, an area I have often thought should produce bird sightings, but doesn't.  Today however got a second cuckoo sighting.  This bird was visibly calling from the top of an old tree in a deforested area and was being mobbed by a smaller bird.  Moreover, saw a whinchat on two separate occasions, only my second and third sightings.  Both were females.  Added to a jay messing around in the scrubland, you could say the area has at last produced.  Also two roe deer in Cairn Valley and numerous orange tip butterflies (first this year), but still no good pipit views. Did not hear skylark today.

At home swifts made their first appearance yesterday.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Saturday 6th May

On weeked break in Barcelona. Green parakeets much in evidence and even on Las Ramblas.  Also flash of blue bird in Gruell Park, presumably a roller.

Green parakeets liked these trees above Las Ramblas