Tuesday 7 April 2015

Tuesday 7th April

Last foray this Easter was a woodland and hill walk from Langholm - something I've meant to do for a couple of years or so.

On the way out past the sports fields, signs were promising with a good deal of birdsong.  The woodland area itself is clearly long-established though and the birds I was hearing were some fifty feet above my head and pretty difficult to spot.  There was a massive pheasant enclosure on the way so I saw easily the largest amounts of pheasants I have ever managed in one go - maybe a thousand immature birds I reckon plus a couple of escapees, not that I was counting.

Did manage a quick sighting of a treecreeper in a windfall area, which was the first for some time but it was with a sense of disappointment that I turned off the path up towards Potholm Hill.  This sense was somewhat increased when I saw how steep it is! The climb was in fact rewarding as there were several meadow pipits active in the near vicinity.  And I also managed to see a couple of the many skylarks heard singing and as ever proving difficult to sight.  It was quite fun to distinguish them from the pipits, which were also indulging in dive-bombing the moor.  Also saw another kestrel hovering for prey just as on my last two bike trips.

I would not have selected the summit of Potholm Hill for my first butterfly sighting of summertime, but sure enough a couple of small tortoiseshells emerged in the temporary sunlight, one of which kindly posed (see photos below).  After that I got a bit lost on the way down from Castle Hill and ended up going through some rough and swampy ground which put an end to nature-spotting activities, apart from one young and alarmed hare that obviously thought I was after it.

I did not see any other birds of prey in the relatively still conditions, or any wheatear in spite of their known arrival further West.  One bird I had expected to see was the stonechat, not for the first time reflecting that they seem to have become much scarcer.  I used to see them regulalry.

Potholm Hill

Spot The Pipit
Summer's First Butterfly

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