Friday 10 July 2015

Thursday 10th July

Walked from Mossvale to Loch Stroan in search of birds of prey, as I've heard tales of a few sightings in this area.

The weather was more mixed than anticipated with one heavy rain shower and some drizzle, though this did not put off the ringlet butterflies who were again out in force. However it may have contributed to the lack of birds of prey taking the wing, apart from one red kite I disturbed from its roost, which gave a very good view of its underparts as it flew of squawking.  Apart from that, the most notable thing I had seen on turning back to the car was a grey wagtail perching in the conifers near the loch.  I didn't know they would do that.

But on the way back I noticed two birds of prey, heading over the moorland towards the forest.  The merlin is a bird I have a strange relationship with, full of half and questionable sightings, but from the
adept, speedy flight and the pointed wings, I would be fairly confident these two were indeed merlins. Too far away though to pick up more of the body colouring than a hint of dark brown.

Two or three minutes later, I noted some 'tek, tek' noises coming from a hawthorn, followed by some brief whistling notes. I got close enough to see the bird, but it took me a few minutes to decide it was a very pale looking male wheatear - the first I have come across this summer.  So pale in fact that there was only the merest suggestion of red on the breast, which doesn't show in this photo but I also managed to identify the tail pattern when it started to fly around a bit.

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