Friday 8 April 2016

Friday 8th April

Things often happen unexpectedly.  Last Sunday I headed off to buy a paper at the local shop and happened to notice about a dozen birds in the treetops on the road up I hadn't seen before.  I couldn't make out much in the prevailing light beyond some pale colouring and shortish length.  So having retrieved the paper I went back out with the binoculars and realised quickly they were siskins, feeling slightly annoyed I hadn't recognised their twitterings.

Siskin was also the first bird I saw on Tuesday, when I set off on a lone bike ride towards Annandale having decided the Wednesday group ride would be a washout.  Two siskins were sitting on the ground on a farmer's field doing not much apparently.

Skylarks were much in abundance again. I heard them calling in five or six different locations, though only once near enough to observe. I also heard curlew and a lapwing that I saw briefly in passing.

The early afternoon was fine and there was a heron flyng over a field, a couple of magpies and a mobbed buzzard.  Not observed however were tree sparrow or linnet, or indeed any form of butterfly.

On the way back there was a dead pheasant on the roadside so I pinched a couple of its tail feathers for the cat.

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