Friday 2 October 2020

Friday 2nd October

I seem to remember writing some time ago how I was struggling to get my buddleias in Dumfries to continue flowering into September.  Well, with a bit more knowledge and frequent deadheading,  the smallest of my three buddleia has made into October.  Whether there's enough on it to attract any butterflies remain to be seen.

By not putting birdfood out for a time, I seem to have avoided the attention of the local rats and its reappearance earned a couple of lengthy visits from a nuthatch.


Mole activity has also been reduced but the cheeky squirrel has been fussing around the lawn a lot and apparently trying to dig holes.  At first I thought he was trying to dig up nuts but in autumn it's more likely he's looking for suitable places to hide them.


Yesterday I took a trip to Hauxley Nature Reserve, where a yellow-browed warbler was recently reported.  It obviously hasn't stayed and there wasn't much around at all apart from a selction of known waterfowl, geese and curlew.  There didn't even seem to be anything to interest this kestrel:


I did happen to find another very large flock of goldfinches and wondered if they were the same ones I saw on my bike ride a few weeks ago.  One pleasant surprise was this lone flower which is still under investigation and may be some sort of cranesbill.

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