Friday 15 April 2011

15th April

Bike ride the day before yesterday to Gallaberry Plantation and Applegarthtown Nature Reserve.

Very overcast. Many sand martins dogfighting above the water and some willow warblers (both locations) - first seen this year.  Only one chiffchaff heard but almost impossible not to hear them around Dumfries.  Have heard a swallow at home around 4th April, but didn't see it.

Bike ride to and into Ae Forest.  Black rabbit by roadside, quite a way from nearest farm so presumably an escapee.  Good to see kestrel hunting, showing some have obviously survived, also buzzards in mating flight (or two males having a fly-off)?  Wheatear on moor, the earliest I've seen them and passing pipits.  Siskins drinking from a puddle in the forest track - could almost have run them over.  Again heard but did not see skylarks.

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