Tuesday 18 September 2012

Tuesday 18th September

Walked from Annan to Brydekirk and back along both sides of the Annan, mainly looking for chub spots.  Spent a lot of time looking into the water, but not seeing anything.  Although clear, the water very deep in parts, black and unpenetrable.  Only saw a few smaller fish rising.  One or two snaggy areas with trees. Also no signs to indicate the possibility of fishing it for coarse fish or not.

Good however to see a couple of dippers and a couple of very healthy looking grey wagtails.

It seems there are a lot of species in the Annan and I have seen photos of bream and pike caught as well as chub and grayling.  Chub must also be in the Dryfe Water and Water of Milk if they are in both the Annan and the Kinnel Water.

The following Sunday saw a few curlew and lapwing on a fitness bike ride to Caerlaverock, also lapwing from train to work during the week.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Saturday 15th September

Did a 'bikebirding' effort round Glenkiln loop hoping to see 16 species excepting crows and gulls (which were strangely absent anyway) rather than trying to actually spot anything.  In the end only 14 as wren repeatedly heard not seen, as were a jay and a curlew.  For the record: wood pigeon, sparrow, chaffinch, house martin, meadow pipit, swallow (loads of), blackbird, chaffinch, black swan, greylag goose, buzzard, blue tit, starling, goldfinch.  Didn't count mallard or mute swan as too common.

The bird target this winter has to be the waxwing.  Next fishing target a river chub.  Research suggests that they are not as frequent on the Annan as they once were, but have come back a bit in the Sark and Kirtle Water.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Wednesday 5th September

On the basis of a dry couple of days and a good weather forecast, decided to give the Mill Loch a try to see if I could catch a bream.  Still most parts on North bank inaccessible without platform so ended
Nice Bream
up fishing in the path swim next to two blokes from Yorkshire who had put a lot of bait in but seemed to be fishing a long way out.

Pretty soon started catching small roach on glugged sweetcorn but bites dried up during the afternoon despite liners.  Eventually got an eel of about 2.5 lb on worm.  After Yorkshire blokes packed up (having not bagged up) had a good fish on the corn rod but snapped off as trace was only 2lb.  Just as sun went down got another on the same rod and landed it.  About 18” long so probably 4.5lb. Shortly after got another skimmer on the other rod on corn.  Hung on for a bit as dusk fell but no further bites. Since the objective was simply to catch a bream at a location I've never had one from before, I was well pleased.  Also a lovely day - moderate sunshine in my face all day - in spite of a wasp sting while reaching for biscuits and the collapse of yet another fishing chair.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Sunday 2nd September

Drove to Mill Loch to check out fishing possibilities. North side flooded and not much getting caught.  West end is getting silted up.  An area where I once caught a pike is unfishable.

Went on to Kelhead to see if any better.  Almost unrecognisable from the time I last fished there four or five years ago.  Most of the quarry inaccessible.  Pipe swim approach completely flooded.  New trees all over next to bank.  Two blokes fishing at corner but only two other swims further up accessible. Typography of the bankside almost unrecognisable.  Think I'll go for Mill Loch if at all, as at least the water seems to be running off well.  Did see a few willow warblers around Mill Loch and a greater spotted woodpecker at Kelhead.

On a brighter note there is now a glut of peacock butterflies on the buddleia, so at least one butterfly has done well.  Unfortunately Jennifer's cat has eaten a couple.  Also a good few small tortoiseshells but still no red admiral.