Wednesday 30 April 2014

Wednesday 30th April

Cycling destination of Crocketford gave opportunity to revisit Glenkilns to check possible merlin. Did see a brown bird of prey fly to top of pine tree, where another bird attempted to mate with it! Could not get good view before it moved on but I did not think it was a merlin - too big and brown. Possibly a sparrowhawk. More exciting was however to hear and then see a cuckoo singing similarly atop a pine tree just east of Craigadam Woodlands - a first! Initially sighting was not clear but on moving to get better view it was not startled and some of the chest colouration could be seen. Also a couple of wheatear as well as usual fleeting pipits (presumably) and a stonechat or reed bunting in flight. Close up view of one wheatear on wall that appeared to have some yellow in its chest.

I tried to think if I ever saw a cuckoo when I was a kid in Nottinghamshire.  I certainly heard them but I don't think I ever saw one.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Tuesday 29th April

Fishing trip to Brooms but unfortunately Alex elected to fish the square which seems to have become a small fish haven and some of the bait was not up to standard.  Soon gave up with prawn but stuck on large baits through a series of pathetic bites to capture one skimmer and one small roach.  Not much movement in margins but Alex did see a couple of 'ghosts' (white koi).

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Wednesday 23rd April

Ride to Palnackie via Glenkilns, hurrying near the end as late.  Typical example of the way that a number of bird sightings can occur in a short period of time, in this case going over the moor after the remaining sculpture.  Two wheatear were quickly followed by a hovering kestrel when another bird of prey flew purposefully past it straight into a tree.  Wondered about merlin but did not get a good view but was a bit dark for a sparrowhawk.  Then there were a series of two or three grey wagtails.  A lot of goldfinch around today but no red kite west of Bogle Bridge, just another pair of wheatear.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Sunday 20th April

We did a hilly walk from Stainforth near Settle.  I was mainly looking out for ring ouzel on the off chance but on pausing in a village called her over to see a goldfinch on a garden feeder she happened to spot a redpoll on it too.  Only my second sighting and one I've been looking forward to.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Saturday 19th April

Away for the weekend at Kirkby Lonsdale with a girlfriend - trip to Leighton Moss where I have wanted to go for some while.  She saw a male marsh harrier before we even reached the car park.  I was somewhat sceptical but it proved to be correct as we saw it several times and once it flew more or less straight over us.  Also had an excellent view of a reed warbler singing in a bush right next to us and saw a male blackcap as well as numerous ducks including gadwall (a first I believe) and tufted ducks.  Listened for bearded tit but no sign and no avocets.  Did not see bittern.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Wednesday 16th April

Today's bike ride was to Loch Arthur via Terregles and Milton.  A stoat surried across the road just before Terregles.  Again saw numerous birds on the way out but nothing much on the way back. Again no bird of prey. Pleasing to see a few pipits on the military road and some yellowhammers on the way down from Milton.  Then saw a bird I could not identify on the edge of a field near Kirkgunzeon.  Thought at first it had a white rump and was expecting to see a wheatear but it was apparent that the white was a tailflash.  Also had long legs, insecteating type beak, lightish brown upper colouring with buff/white underparts.  I did not get a front on view but there was no mottling beneath the wingline. It looked more like a pipit than a wader and the nearest apparent match on trawling the bird book was richard's pipit - but that is a complete longshot and I did not get a good enough view to claim a sighting.  Water pipit? Has to go down as another mystery.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Wednesday 9th April

After seeing not much last week, decided that 12 - 16 birds would be a good quota today and, perversely had already seen that number before reaching Carelaverock.  More notables included lapwing, woodpecker, greenfinch, curlew, reed bunting but no bird of prey apart from a passing heron.  Made a detour to check out mystery birds of last week, which of course were not present. Again heard but did not see skylarks.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Thursday 3rd April

Took bike to Gretna and rode back.  Probable tree sparrow at farm near Dorncock.  Did not stay long but spots on neck visible. Curlew and a mystery on the back road to Bankend.  Birds observed feeding on ploughed land just past Midlocharwoods.  I though they might be plovers but did not really fit the description. Grey head with some red around the eye, buff underparts with some brown mottling on chest.  Didn't look like fieldfares and I can find no waders that match up - so unidentified.

Meanwhile willow warbler (or chiffchaff) appeared briefly in next door's garden and blue tits in mine.